The Unreal TV theme of new DVD releases filling the voids left at movie theaters continues with discussing the August 2, 2016 Film Movement DVD release of the 2015 Dutch action comedy "Schneider vs. Bax." This twist in this one is that family guy/covert hitman reluctantly takes on an easy assignment gone comically awry.
The film opens with the oblivious wife and young daughters of Schneider waking him on his birthday with a song and a gift. Plans for him to spend the day at home change on client Mertens telephoning with an urgent assignment to kill Bax. The first selling point is that Bax is almost literally a sitting duck in his cabin among the reeds in a marsh area. The second point of persuasion is that Bax is a child killer who will murder again if not stopped.
For his part, illegal substances afficiendo Bax begins his day roughly hustling his belle du jour out the door ahead of the arrival of his adult manic depressive daughter. Suffice it to say that dark hilarity ensues.
Notable bits of mayhem include Bax awesomely putting an adversary in his place, the wife of Schneider calling at inopportune times, and the daughter of Bax and other visitors getting into the act.
The ensuing complications are too awesome to spoil but involve protected wetlands, a middle-aged prostitute, and a highly entertaining double cross. There truly is not a dull moment.
The skilled portrayal of Bax as an abusive lover, a frustrated author, a concerned father whose solution for depression involves the aforementioned illegal substances, and a man with yet another dark side is attributable to "Schneider" writer/director Alex van Warmrdam playing that role.
"Schneider" works because it adequately remains in the realm of possibility regarding the characters and the situations that they encounter. Many of us have dysfunctional families, and it is easy to imagine most of the events that cause Schneider to have a bad day at work. Further, van Warmrdam executes (pun intended) the pacing well.
As mentioned above, this film satisfies the movie-going appetite for good action comedy that the remakes, sequels, and vehicles for household names is leaving unmet.
Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Schneider" is strongly encouraged to email me; you can also connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy.
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