Speaking with Patrick Moote, who stars in the recently reviewed documentary "Unhung Hero" that is coming out on DVD on December 10 2013, was beyond awesome for many reasons. He is as genuine and funny as he appears in this film about his truly interesting journey that begins on discovering that his penis is even smaller than his long-standing perception of that part of his body.
Moote makes perhaps the most telling statement regarding his personality in an interview for another outlet. He shares that his response on seeing in the first porn film that he watches is sympathy for the great discomfort that the large penis of the male performer seems to cause the female performer. This reaction likely places Moote in a very special one percent.
Getting to also speak with "Unhung's" director and Moote's friend Brian Spitz was a nice bonus; Spitz's regard for his buddy and his sincerity regarding his topic came through as strongly in the interview as it did in the film.
Before getting to the meat (pun intended) of the matter, it is worth mentioning that "Unhung" itself and the statements from its dynamic duo evoke thoughts of Aaron Sorkin's statement regarding his hilarious late-90s sitcom "Sports Night." The gist of Sorkin's remark is that that show, which has some of television's best ever characters and writing, is not about sports.
Similarly, Moote and Spitz convey that "Unhung" is much more about dealing with insecurities than a man coming to terms regarding either suffering from "the Irish curse" or being one of "the chosen people."
The "25 words or less" version of "Unhung's" origin story, which the review of the film addresses in more depth, is that Moote's girlfriend rejecting his very public marriage proposal leads to her telling him that his penis is too small. This nuclear-level ego blast prompts Moote and Spitz to make a film that explores both where Moote's endowment falls on the bell-end curve and the effectiveness of methods to "super size" himself.
This effort of the friends/collaborators ultimately leads to realizing that size should not matter and that too much of a good thing can also be a problem.
Both Moote and Spitz stated that Moote decided to make a film, which is expected to bring relatively little fame and fortune, on such a personal and sensitive subject because he was "already comfortable about exposing himself somewhat" through his stand-up comedy.
The Seattle-born Moote provided the additonal great response that "you live in Los Angeles, and you think that that everything is a good idea."
Spitz had the best response regarding why "Unhung" never clearly showed what was likely Moote's "fantastic four." Spitz made the analogy that "like the suitcase in Pulp Fiction, you never see what's in there."
Moote's reply was that he really did not oppose going full frontal but decided that doing so would feel "like a cop out, not in line with the movie in that it [his endowment] doesn't matter."
Noting with complete sincerity but no anger that he was not a prostitute, Moote stated that he would reject any offer from any porn company to be filmed naked to satisfy the curiosity of the voyeuring public.
Moote left the door open a crack regarding the possibility of some form of naked appearance for an astronomical charitable donation along the lines of Carly Simon divulging the real-life subject of the song "You're So Vain" for a good cause. The comedian in Moote came out in speculating that the subject of the song was probably some guy Jeff that Simon knew in high school that no one ever heard of.
Spitz added that deciding to not show the penis more clearly in the film was a creative decision. On a similar note, raising the subject of a somewhat similar documentary by Morgan Spurlock, Spitz replied that "we weren't trying to go to the 'Super-Size' [me] well."
Spitz added that Moote understandably wanted to prove his ex-girlfriend wrong but that things "went the other way." The more positive outcome that Spitz shared was that Moote learned that one must "embrace your insecurities; everyone has them."
This prompted a brief discussion regarding self image related to penis size being largely external in that it related to how others reacted on seeing it. This contrasted with other more intrinsic traits that caused anxiety but were not exposed to others under any circumstances.
Moote shared that he had been aware for a while that his penis was on the smaller side (but considered it "averagish") and that he thought that high school buddies who teased him about that were "messing" with him.
Moote added that his philosophy was to "tackle [the things about which we are insecure] headfirst." A related comment expressed a desire to start a dialog about the issue.
Moote's thoughts on the title were that "Unhung Hero" was not his first choice; he expressed a preference for "Slightly Below Average Hero."
Spitz and Moote also emphasized that they never wanted to demonize the woman who rejected Moote's proposal; Spitz shared as well that they showed her the film and described her as "sweet," "talented," and "a good person."
The buds further stated that ex-girlfriend provided several reasons for rejecting the proposal, and that the one related to Moote's penis was an obvious choice for the one that stung the most.
Moote very candidly shared that his intense focus on building his acting career at the expense of his relationship and other aspects of his lifestyle that affected that romance played a role in the rejection of his proposal. He also said that he did not realize that having a more stable career was an important factor in a marriage.
On top of all that, Moote very candidly shared that "the sex wasn't that great, and I knew that."
Briefly stepping back into the shoes of a reviewer, rather than interviewer, it was a genuine shame that such a nice and cute guy like Moote suffered such a blow for following his heart rather than head. The better news is that the public got both a better chance to know him and enjoy an interesting and amusing documentary.
In discussing the enhancement products that Moote tries in the film, he stated that he considered sharing the results of that use a public service to other men who were considering doing the same; Moote added that he had pondered using enhancement products in the past and would have used one that he would have been certain would have worked.
Moote's genuine humility came through in the course of discussing his endowment with participants in the film. He stated that "I realize that my narcissism is coming through like squared."
Regarding future plans, Moote shared that he has started a production company and has some projects in the works. He also seemed optimistic regarding both the upcoming pilot season and a new business relationship with a management company.
Moote expressed uncertainty regarding whether his role in "Unhung" would continue to haunt him but told a hilarious story regarding it. He was at a table read of a script that a friend had written but that Moote had not finished before that exercise. Moote shared that a line at the end of the script that stated that Moote's character had the largest penis that the line's speaker had ever seen caused his friend, who had not thought about "Unhung" in writing the script, intense embarrassment.
Moote also discussed the possibility that the film would haunt his future children. Chances are that their friends will learn of the film; whether that triggers a round of rather intimate bragging about fathers is highly speculative.
One of the arguably primary messages from both "Unhung" and the comments of Moote and Spitz would provide Moote incredible satisfaction if he was not such a righteous dude; watching the film and conversing with Moote shows any man who takes pride in being twice that man that Moote is in one regard is not half the person that that exceptional guy is.
Anyone with questions or comments regarding Moote or "Unhung" is welcome to email me. I can also be reached on Twitter via @tvdvdguy.
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