Thursday, February 28, 2019

'The Drag Roast of Heklina' Streaming" Boys in Gowns Dress Down Their Queen

The recently released "The Drag Roast of Heklina" on the LGBTQ-themed streaming network Revry proves that boys who dress as girls just wanna have fun. It also saves people who wonder if '80s New Wave princess Julie Brown still is alive the trouble of looking her up on IMDb. 

The titular woman of the hour-and-42-minutes is a San Francisco legend, Her current claim to fame is owning the drag club The Oasis where that fucker performs a show titled "Mother." The emcee for the evening is fellow tucker Jackie Beats. 

Revry delivers on a promise to provide an evening that shows that breeders do not have a monopoly on making vicious and harmful comments about those who are most near and dear to you; We also see that Hell hath no hilarious fury like a drag queen scorned. Personal experience involves fallout from sincerely mistaking a Cher drag queen for Fran Drescher. 

The following likely will incur the wrath of Heklina, but the roast warrants constructive comments that reflect many of the remarks during the evening. The most obvious aspect of the event is that every participant with the exception of Brown and (personally disliked) last-minute-substitute drag queen Alaska Thunderfuck generally looks alike.

Personal perspective this time is having a Bette Davis drag queen hit my feet with a push broom for the offense of resting them on a stage before a performance. She did not take kindly to my jokingly telling her to go drink a Pepsi. 

Rather than paying homage to Golden and Silver Age actresses and movie stars, the roasters purposefully made themselves up grotesquely to the extent of "Drew Carey" era Kathy Kinney looking like a natural beauty in comparison. Several jokes about the lack of diversity among the group reflects that homogeneous quality. 

Similarly, the uniformity of jokes and targets of those barbs made it difficult to distinguish who said what about whom. One hilarious exception was a queen commenting that Alaska is hung like a horse and feeding her a carrot in a very suggestive manner The topper was Beats later expressing jealousy regarding not getting a snack and the other queen responding that Beats would not have wanted it because it was a vegetable., 

Many of the best jokes were directed at a queen who was not there to give as good as she got. The group ripped into Katya for a (possibly exaggerated) drug problem. A highlight was a pun on the word habit. Brown did just as well in commenting that the backstage area reeked of duct tape and balls. 

An unintentionally amusing moment was an assessment that a joke that involves "Citizen Kane" bombed because it was too cerebral, rather than because it was not very funny. Commenting that the target was even more obsessed than Kevin Spacey with pounding an American beauty would have been funnier, 

Aside from the obvious difference between this roast and most others, it is recalled that these events typically are for a charity; that does not seem to be the case here. Further, many traditional roasters end with nice comments and expressions of love. Those are few and far between here. 

The climax (no pun intended) of Heklina getting her chance to fight back is very odd. Her seeming to genuinely be tired and perhaps to only respect the first portion of the expression fuck 'em if they can't take a joke likely influenced her cursing out the audience for not laughing at her jokes. In fairness to the folks who attended, they already had sat through 90 minutes of repetitive jokes about being fat, sex, and aging, 

The act of rimming being a topic of the evening makes an analogy involving that act an apt way to end this post. Like the drag style of the party girls and their humor, eating ass is something that some people enjoy from the get-go and that is an acquired taste for others. A third group never finds anal secretions their cup of tea. Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. The bigger lesson is that you never know if you like something until you try it, 

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