Monday, January 4, 2016

'Velociraptor' DVD: I Am Your Friend, I'm Your F**kbuddy

Product Details
tla releasing, which is the international art house division of LGBT home entertainment leader tla video, nicely fulfills its mission of demonstrating the range of queer cinema regarding the recent DVD release of the gay scifi romdram "Velociraptor." This creative outing has confidently gay teen slut Alex spending an afternoon before an impending apocalypse walking around a virtually deserted city with his assertively straight buddy Diego.

The conflict arises in the form of Alex assertively trying to get Diego to help with his plan to go out with a big bang. In fact, this seems to generate more drama than the upcoming extinction of the human race.

The accolades for this tale of two boys in lust includes the Best Feature award at the 2015 Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. This reflects the nice chemistry between our leads and the analysis of the sexual mind of the teen male as well the limits of a friendship between a boy who identifies himself as gay and another who considers the label of straight very important.

Many people who has ever been on either side of such a relationship have inadvertently experienced varying consequences when this line is crossed even in a non-sexual manner. An extreme case of this is a hilarious scene in a classic gay film in which a member of the military who is on leave in the wild receives a literally and figuratively rude awakening while staying with two friends only to be informed of the true nature of their relationship.

The preliminaries in "Velociraptor" consist of Alex casually sharing the names of the numerous mutual friends on whom he has performed oral sex out a combination of wanting to be a good friend and to achieve his own pleasure. In turn, Diego adorably provides a cleverly staged re-enactment of a sexual encounter with a girl.

Tensions escalate when Alex lays (no pun intended) out his case for his reasons for wanting Diego to top him. The negative response is anticipated, but that disgust is not adequately extreme to cause Diego to walk away. The upshot is that the symbolic element of such an encounter, as opposed to the act itself, is the main obstacle to Alex taking one for the team during the bottom (pun intended) of the ninth inning of human existence.

The probability of Alex getting his way increases when he gets Diego to return home with him. Great scenes during this portion of the film include Diego purposefully drinking enough beer to reduce his inhibitions, gay porn both fascinating and disgusting Diego, and the initial preparations and foreplay (including hilarious attempts at self delusion) leading up to the literal male bonding.

All of this works because (aside from the imminent end of the world) the film largely is believable. A gay teen craving more intimacy with a good friend who is cool regarding that sexuality, said friend not being totally adverse to sex that arguably is not much different than prior experiences in that area, and concern regarding sexual labels are issues that many friends in these circumstances face.  The nice humor, which includes Alex teasing Diego about the possibility of being on the receiving end of the encounter, is a good bonus.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Velociraptor" is encouraged to email me. You can also connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy.

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