Friday, May 6, 2016

'Fursonas' VOD: 'Trekkies' for Furries (Alas, no Tribbles)

Fursonas Poster

First-time director Dominic Rodriguez is a manimal on  a well-executed mission regarding the documentary "Fursonas," which hits VOD platforms and iTunes on May 10 2016. This furtastic journey is designed to dispel the erroneous general impression that furries merely are fetish freaks who don animal costumes to have sex. As Rodriguez shows, that group simply is a subset of the furry culture. On a general level, this film is a great successor to the 1997 documentary "Trekkies," which depicts "Star Trek" devotees who fall on the upper ends of the Klingon fanaticism scale.

As an aside, folks who want background information on Rodriguez and the making-of "Fursonas" are encouraged to read an Unreal TV post on an interview with him.

The following awesome promo. (courtesy of YouTube) for "Fursonsas" provides a great overview of both the film and Rodriguez.

Rodriguez utilizes the pure documentary style of turning his lens on the interviewees and (mostly) staying off camera. He allows each individual to tell his or her story and often to discuss a controversy within the furry community.

Diezel the riding-mower operating raccoon, Skye the groove-thing shaking fox, and Bandit the dog who adopts that persona to honor a household pet of the same name seem to be at the lower end of the immersion scale in the furry culture. A (possibly flawed) memory is that Diezel is the furry who remarks that fursuits are much to heavy to consider wearing while having sex.

The more colorful subjects include the Pennsylvania man who is engaged in a court battle to legally change his name to Boomer to honor the titular canine star of an '80s NBC drama. We also meet a young gay couple who do have sex in their fursuits.

Another memorable segment has the owner of Bad Dragon discuss his line of dildos of real and mythical animals. This interview occurs in what seems to be the showroom of the company. One of the display items indicates that an aroused unicorn must be taken seriously.

The primary aforementioned controversy centers around Anthrocon organizer and yoda (sans costume) Dr. Samuel Conway (a.k.a. Uncle Cage) who does not appear in costume on film but dresses as a cockroach. Footage of a hilarious webcast in which a wine-drinking Cage rants against his fellow furries perfectly illustrates the basis for his being at odds with his detractors; this also shows that furries are like any other subculture (including families) in that it has factions with strongly held conflicting views.

The secondary controversy relates to the aforementioned widely held public opinion that furries primarily adopt that lifestyle for sexual reasons. This issue centers around Chew Fox, who is infamous for stating on "The Tyra Banks Show" that wearing her fursuit is an integral part of her sex life. The related issues are that Chew discussed that private aspect of the furry culture with the general population and validated the aforementioned erroneous general perception that sex is integral to the furry lifestyle.

Rodriguez presents all this in the proverbial entertaining and educational style that characterizes good documentaries. You will not learn everything that you always wanted to know about furries but were afraid to ask but will come pretty close. You also may want to order a bunny suit online and hop around your backyard on the weekend.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Fursonas" is strongly encouraged to email me. You also can connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy,

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