Wednesday, October 21, 2015

'Me' Theatrical: Ship of Faux in Neo-Modern 'Truman Show'

Me (2014) Poster

The indie comedy "Me," recently of the Marfa Film Festival, is an always amusing and frequently hilarious commentary on reality shows. The blurred lines between reality and "reality" include writer/producer/director/star Jefery Levy, who is also the creative force behind the recently reviewed sensual drama "The Key," playing retired pioneer reality show producer Levy. The fictional Levy hires long-time friend Susan, played by long-time Jefery friend Susan Traylor, to makes changes designed to enhance the fictional ratings of the show "Me" that only exists in his mind.

The fictional Susan, in turn, makes an unwitting Levy the center of an actual reality show that does air. In this respect, the latter becomes a modern version of Truman Burbank, who is the central character in the 1998 Jim Carrey film "The Truman Show." Confused? You won't be after watching the awesomely titled "Me."

Susan then goes about casting actors to play the "real" people in the life of Levy. Standouts include hiring quirky actor Steve Agee to play "alternate Levy" and hunky constantly shirtless scene-stealer Noah Mills playing wonderfully frenetic bodyguard Mills. His dancing alone makes "Me" the film and the reality show both worth watching.

Much of the humor relates to a clueless Levy not being in on the joke regarding not knowing that he is making a show other than the one that is airing. In this respect, he is like Chance the gardener in the classic Peter Sellers film "Being There."

The real humor and drama ensue when the lines between reality and "reality" truly blur for an oblivious Levy and a fully cognizant Susan. These include a real-life nefarious plot and the real reality show becoming a hit.

The overall vibe of this melange of elements in "Me" evokes especially strong thoughts of the (unreal TV reviewed) June 2015 indie comedy "L.A. Slasher." That one has a comparable cast of '90s stars and centers around the titular maniac preying on reality-show archetypes who are famous merely for being famous. The message in both that film and "Me" is that reality shows ain't real and those who star in them are not worthy of our time. Fortunately, these two films are worth watching.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Me" is encouraged to email me; you can also connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy.

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