Wednesday, May 20, 2015

'Rumperbutts' DVD: Indie Band 'Mates of State' Hilariously Groove on 'Z Rock/' Dan Zanes Kiddie Music Vibe

Product Details
The comedy film "The Rumperbutts" does not disappoint regarding expectations that it offers the same quirky humor as the IFC sitcom "Z Rock," which tells the tale of a group that play clubs at night and kiddie shows in the afternoon. A personal aspect of this type of split personality relates to knowing former Del Fuegos front man/current children's music performer Dan Zanes when he was s a teen dishwasher/doo wop group Kitchenettes singer at a New Hampshire summer camp. (The autographed photo of Zanes and a cassette of his performance still in a box marked "stuff" may be the first of both for Zanes.)

This 90 minutes of fun, which derives knee slappers from actual low-hanging fruit, hits movie screens and VOD menus on Friday May 22, 2015.

The following clip, courtesy of You Tube,of the "Rumperbutts" trailer provides a very nice recap of the story in a manner that communicates the humor and vibe that make it worth watching.

The titular toddler faves are a duo of lions with a hit kids' show and popular musical tour; the mane man and feline fatale in the cat suits are former indie rock performers (and former couple) Jack and Bonnie. Economic necessity prompts breaking up the wonderfully named and talented Dean's List band and trading in the corresponding grumge ware for the mascot outfits.

The real-life counterparts of these characters are power-ballad couple Jason Hammel and Kori Gardner of the real-life indie rock group mates of state. The taleented indie projects actor Josh Brener plays Richie, the impish magical being (whom the Winchester boys of "Supernatural" would gack with gusto) who rocks the world of the reluctant toddler idols.

A hilarious early scene has a theater crammed with hyped-up oblivious youngsters excitedly listening to Jack and Bonnie complaining about their lot in life in the upbeat style of a typical Rumperbutts song.

The combination of List and the current discontent of Jack and Bonnie bring them to the attention of Richie, who offers a chance of returning to their old lives. This aspect of a rock-based Faustian deal evokes thoughts of the Greg Evigan/Paul Shaffer '70s failecom "A Year at the Top."

The must-see fall-on-the-floor scene that provides the impetus for the demise of the Rumperbutts begins a series of fortunate and unfortunate events for Jack and Bonnie. Uncertainty regarding whether the Q-like Richie is the only one messing with the couple contributes to the fun.

The numerous entertaining surreal elements include parallel timelines, Richie having great fun with his special abilities, and apparent time travel. Jack hitting the name "mates of state" on a wall listing the performers who have played a club adds another fantastic (in both senses of the word) element to "Rumperbutts."

The final note regarding "Rumperbutts" is that it is a film that anyone from 12 to 60 can enjoy. The wry deadpan humor will amuse, everyone plays his or her part well, and sour notes are few and far between.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Rumperbutts" is encouraged to email me; you can also connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy,

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