Friday, April 24, 2015

'My Mistress' DVD: Awesome Aussie 50 Shades of Coming of Age Film

Product Details
The three films that uber-awesome foreign indie film distributor Film Movement is releasing om May 5, 2015 demonstrates the broad range and exceptional quality of the Movement catalog. Venezuelan film (and May 2015 selection of the uber-awesome Movement Film of the Month Club"God's Slave," which is the subject of an upcoming Unreal TV review, is a fact-based thriller that gets into the psyches of a Islamic terrorist and the Israeli agent on his trail. The French film, which also is due for an Unreal TV post, "The Nun" is based on a historic novel regarding a reluctant new member of the titular profession.

Today's film "My Mistress" comes from Australia and is the first release from Omnibus Entertainment, which is the specialty imprint division of Movement, to reach this site. As typical for Movement films, "Mistress" is a terrifically enhanced version of a genre that American filmmakers typically do not handle as well. In this case, the film centers around the relationship between deeply troubled and typically horny 16 year-old Charlie and the exotic older woman who moves into the area.

The following clip, courtesy of YouTube, of the trailer for "Mistress" wonderfully conveys the erotic and overall art-house teen-drama themes of the film. It is equally great that these glimpses of sensuality tease you into wanting to see more.

Charlie is already a relatively angry (and quirky) young man when we meet him and when he first sees the titular character Maggie in a highly stressful moment for her. The angst of our young man increases on coming home to a traumatic discovery of his own. The role of his mother regarding that event contributes to the drama and reduces the effectiveness of her efforts to comfort her son.

The general adolescent crush that Charlie develops on Maggie develops into a much darker and more "Fifty Shades of Grey" style relationship on learning that the object of his affection is a professional dominatrix. His objective in having their relationship take that turn relate to his desire to have physical pain suppress his emotional torment.

Once the charming persistence of Charlie wears down the resistance of a reluctant Maggie to give him a good hard spanking (and much more) that he does not deserve but arguably needs, they sit down to one of the most amusing tea parties ever. Our boy both literally and figuratively getting his lumps in this initial training session that is designed to whip him into shape is fall on the floor funny.

Another highlight involves Maggie allowing a highly amused and amusingly concealed Charlie to witness her conducting a session with a client. Seeing that middle-aged man dressed up whole getting dressed down to the charming delight of Charlie (who acts as if he is touring a magical chocolate factory) is one of the best of the film.

Of course, "Mistress" also places serious obstacles in the path of the oddly mutually satisfying relationship between Charlie and Maggie. A hunky regular client and Charlie's mother becoming involved present threats that overcoming requires discipline and/or true love.

Although well-known French actress Emanuelle Beart does an excellent job conveying the tremendous range of emotions that portraying Maggie requires, "Mistress" provides Charlie portrayor Harrison Gilbertson a terrific showcase for transitioning from child star to adult actor.

Gilbertson does a wonderful job with the efforts of Charlie to seem tough, to convey his angst, and simply to literally and figuratively bare himself for the camera in a similar manner as Leonardo DiCaprio in his early art-house films. For better or worse, Gilbertson likely will always be known as the guy who pleasured himself in the shower and took a good whipping in the dungeon in this film.

The DVD extra is a "making of" feature.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Mistress" is welcome to email me; you can also connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy,

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