Monday, December 8, 2014

'The Dark Place' DVD: Brent Corrigan's Logo-style Neo Noir

Product Details
The 2014 gay-themed thriller "The Dark Place," which truly terrific gay film distributor Breaking Glass Pictures recently released on DVD, has every element that destines it to air on the Logo network. Not that there is anything wrong with that nor with the fact that expectations that this would be a compelling film that happened to include a gay-theme were not met. Junk food can be as tasty as gourmet fare.

The multiple meanings behind the title refer to the troubled past of central figure 20-something Keegan Dark, the childhood home to which he returns after a long absence, the drama that he encounters on arriving to make amends with his estranged widowed mother Celeste, and the Dark family name. An additional spoiler regarding the title is that the significant other of our hero, who clearly does not mind being the butt of a joke, gets his personal dark place probed.

The following clip, courtesy of YouTube, of the trailer for "Dark" conveys all of the "Roswell" style drama that the young male actors deliver.

Keegan and wonderfully cute and devoted Belgian boyfriend/scene stealer Wil unexpectedly arrive at the Dark vineyard only to be attacked by unknown step brother Jake Bishop, played by gay porn star Brent Corrigan under his mainstream acting name Sean Paul Lockhart. Two spoilers are that Corrigan neither orders room service nor mentors any proteges, though our leads could have used his professional guidance regarding their one highly intimate scene.

Keegan soon learns that Celeste married Jake's doctor father Adrian and has formed a happy family with the Bishop men. Additional drama ensues when Keegan, who can remember every event in his life in videographic detail, quickly becomes suspicious of the new "steps" in his life.

In true camp pulp style, no one believes Keegan as the mysterious and traumatic events (which include Celeste falling into a coma) that unfold bolster his conviction that the new men in the life of his mother are up to no good. The "Falcon Crest" style elements that relate to evidence of nefarious doings associated with the impending IPO of the family wine business add to the fun.

The twinks at the center of all this are not doe eyed but are smooth and earnest; further, it is clear that their acting abilities are not what got them their roles. However, this is very apt in this film that seems consciously designed to offer 90 minutes of gay-themed pseudo-serious fun.

The camp is especially high in the final confrontation, which Breaking Glass shares that a reviewer refers to as a "powerful and satisfying climax." The fun elements include a witty lover's spat during a Mexican standoff, action hero-style daring do, and a "miraculous" resolution.

Further, no problem exists regarding most of the mystery being Scooby Doo level; the glaringly obvious clues include a scene in which Keegan comes very close to playing doctor with a foe.

As mentioned above, "Dark" exists to provide a pretense for looking at attractive young men and additional entertainment in the form of watching them try to pull off heavy drama. The only disappointment relates to thwarting an anticipated chance to refer to shooting the sheriff but not the deputy.

One genuine twist involves the one time that Corrigan really puts his butt on the line.

The conclusion regarding all this is as obvious as the majority of the reveals in "Dark;" this film belongs to the class of gay cinema that appeals to viewers who either enjoy watching hot young male things parade around on screen or take great delight in laughing at the unintentional humor in such productions. On a more positive note, this movie is MUCH better than the gay-themed television drama "Dante's Cove" which Unreal TV describes as "more than nine circles of Hell."

The special features include a commentary track and alternative and extended scenes.

Anyone with questions or comments regarding "Dark" is welcome to email me (and can even include the phrase "I never thought that this would happen to me" in their message.) You alternatively can connect on Twitter via @tvdvdguy.

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